10 responses to “Good v Evil iMovie

  1. 1. Is the video a narrative or a comparison between good and evil?
    Narrative. And funny
    2. Does it clearly show a battle between a force of good and a force of evil?
    There is no battle between good and evil.
    3. What is the message behind this video?
    There is no message that i can see
    4. What Gospel values does the video highlight?
    i dont see any
    5. Give it a rating out of 5 stars.

  2. Good narrative has some aspects of a comparison. I can see the clear outline of the battle between and evil. I can see that the message in the video is to help everyone and if we do that we will have only good in the world. The values shown are compassion for the poor and passion to whats right. 4/5 stars.

  3. The video is more of a comparison between good and evil but there are some narrative elements in there. The battle between good and evil is there but not clearly evident. the message behind this video is that evil never gets away with anything and I am unsure what the gospel value is meant to be.

    A good video but I think the slowness and lack of sound really hurt the overall rating. i give it 3/5 stars.
    John “Jack” Ryan

  4. Pat, I liked the short narrative you produced. Of all the attempts you have come close to meeting the criteria of the task. I would like to have seen a bit more detail and some backing music. Good effort all the same.

    3.5 stars.


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